Monday 2 December 2013

Acordul de asociere RM-EU: prevederi relevante pentru sfera de C-D

Textul Acordului de asociere dintre Republica Moldova şi Uniunea Europeană conţine un capitol dedicat cooperării în domeniul cercetării, dezvoltării tehnologice şi activităţilor demonstrative, cu următorul conţinut:
Article 127 
The Parties shall promote cooperation in all areas of civil scientific research and technological development and demonstration (RTD) on the basis of mutual benefit and subject to appropriate and effective protection of intellectual property rights. 
Article 128 
Cooperation in RTD shall cover: 
(a) policy dialogue and the exchange of scientific and technological information; 
(b) facilitating adequate access to the respective programmes of the Parties; 
(c) increasing research capacity and the participation of research entities of the Republic of Moldova in the research Framework Programme of the EU; 
(d) the promotion of joint projects for research in all areas of RTD; 
(e) training activities and mobility programmes for scientists, researchers and other research staff engaged in RTD activities on both sides; 
(f) facilitating, within the framework of applicable legislation, the free movement of research workers participating in the activities covered by this Agreement and the cross-border movement of goods intended for use in such activities; and 
(g) other forms of cooperation in RTD (including through regional approaches and initiatives), on the basis of mutual agreement. 
Article 129 
In carrying out such cooperation activities, synergies should be sought with activities funded by the Science and Technology Centre (STCU) and other activities carried out within the framework of financial cooperation between the EU and the Republic of Moldova. 

În ceea ce priveşte cooperarea în domeniul inovării, punctul d) al Articolului 63 statuiază următoarele:
 d) encourage the development of innovation policy, via the exchange of information and good practice regarding the commercialisation of research and development (including support instruments for technology-based business start-ups), cluster development and access to finance; 

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