Scrisoare deschisă
Oficiul MOST a semnat, de comun cu alte Oficii în domeniul educaţiei,cercetării şi inovării cu sediul în Bruxelles, o scrisoare deschisă adresată candidatului desemnat la funcţia de Preşedinte al Comisiei Europene şi deputaţilor aleşi în Parlamentul European, în care a fost reiterată importanţa educaţiei, cercetării şi inovării pentru dezvoltarea de mai departe a Uniunii Europene.
OPEN LETTER on the importance of education, research and innovation
EU has an exciting time ahead with newly elected MEPs, a new President of the
European Council as well as a new President of the European Commission.
Candidates for the latter position put forward by the political parties in the
European Parliament were and are debating the future of the EU to large
audiences however a vision on the future of the EU in the field of education,
research and innovation has remained absent in these debates. The IGLO[1]
offices signing this open letter would therefore like to draw the attention to
the importance of the knowledge triangle for boosting economic growth and jobs
in the Europe.
On 1 January 2014, the EU programmes
Horizon 2020 for research and innovation and the Erasmus+ programme for
education youth and sports formally started. After two years of tough negotiations
on the contents and the budgets, consensus was reached. The results indicated that
investment in the knowledge triangle got the highest attention of the EU. Not
only do these programmes show that education, research and innovation have an
important role to play, also EU policies such as the European Research Area and
Rethinking Education and Opening up Education demonstrate that cooperation and
sharing best practices can indeed bring about respectively more coordinated
national research systems and mobility of researchers, students and teachers.
IGLO would
like to point out that investment in education, research and innovation are a
key component in the toolbox for finding sustainable solutions not only to
the societal challenges but also to the economic issues Europe is facing. These investments create new turnover,
new permanent jobs and sustainable solutions to our big societal challenges. Without
new knowledge and innovations Europe is not going to find its role in the
changing global arena. Hence, Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ must be better exposed
in the political agenda as education, research and innovation are fundamental
to Europe, to be one of the main actors in the changing global arena. Therefore,
research, innovation and education policies need to have strong leaders who can
bring the knowledge triangle dimension into the relevant European discussions
with proper weight.
therefore urge the newly (to be) elected representatives of the European
institutions to take the above mentioned duly into account because we believe
that the investments in research, innovation and education are essential
pre-requisites to secure growth and jobs in the future of the European Union.
[1] IGLO is an informal association of Brussels-based non-profit
R&D Liaison Offices. The aim of the network is to facilitate and enhance
the interaction, information exchange and cooperation between members of IGLO,
their national research systems and the European institutions on issues related
to EU R&D.(
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