La Mulţi Ani!/ Season's Greetings
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Monday, 8 September 2014
return of representatives of the Moldovan Scientific Diaspora
The International Organization for Migration, Mission in the Republic of Moldova, in partnership with the Center of International Projects of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova will support on a competitive basis 30 researchers – members of Moldovan Scientific Diaspora (MSD) willing to come to Moldova for a short-term visit of 7 – 11 days in order to perform research activities at one of R&D institutions or universities of Moldova. The short-term visit is planned during November 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015. IOM and ASM shall offer to the program beneficiaries the financial support to cover the travel costs and the daily allowance. The call for proposal, as well as the application form are available and
This program is open to researchers originated from Moldova who are currently working abroad at R&D institutions or universities in any field of basic and applied sciences and have work experience there for a period of minimum 3 years.
Applications to this program must be submitted at least four weeks prior to the intended date of travel. Grants will be awarded subject to the result of the contest and availability of funds.
This initiative is the result of a pilot program, launched in 2010, and implemented successfully during 2010-2012, where over 30 SDM from 13 countries benefitted of support and developed short term research activities within at universities and R&D institutions from Moldova. The research collaboration between SDM and their colleagues from Moldovan Institutions; where delivered lectures and guidance to license, Master’s and PhD theses students and made joint publications were published in national and international journals etc.
Project Objective: Improve Moldova’s capacity to enhance the development impact of circular migration through temporary return of highly qualified MSD members in the field of R&D.
Opportunities: Through this program, MSD members will have the opportunity to:
- Contribute by knowledge share to the development of R&D sector in Moldova;
- Establish new and renew previous collaborations with their Moldovan counterparts;
- Promote the integration of Moldovan researchers with the international scientific community;
- Strengthen partnership relations with the Moldovan researchers, which might lead to cooperation within international programs such as EU/FP7, EU/FP “Horizon 2020”, SCOPES, NATO Science for Peace Program, ENPI, etc;
- Get involved in the educational process (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD, etc)
- Share experience with their Moldovan counterparts on how to improve project proposal writing skills;
- Serve as independent experts in the evaluation of national projects, programs, strategies of development, laws, etc;
- Contribute to the development of joint research publications to be published in Moldova and abroad;
- Participate in informational campaigns to raise society’s awareness on brain drain and mechanisms for stemming this process.
Friday, 8 August 2014
Webinar: teste clinice în cadrul proiectelor H2020
Fit for Health 2.0 supports researchers and specially SMEs for a successful participation in Horizon 2020 Health-related projects. We invite you to participate in a webinar on 9th September from 10:00 till 12:00 (CEST) focussed on the description and implementation of clinical trials in Horizon 2020 proposals.
This webinar is targeted in particular to SMEs and research institutes interested in submitting proposals that include clinical trials and who precisely want to follow the directions of Horizon 2020 on this critical issue. Detailed information will be presented by experienced partners from Fit for Health 2.0: The German National Contact Point Life Sciences for Horizon 2020 will give an overview about the legal frame. Dr. Claudia Schacht from EURICE GmbH will follow by giving practical details for the proposal preparation and the implementation of clinical trials during the project.
This online session is free of charge.
Deadline for Registration is 7th September 2014
Detailed information on how to get connected to the virtual conference tool will be sent on 8th September.
For further questions please contact:
Dr. Nicolas Villacorta
NCP Life Sciences
phone: +49 (0) 228 3821 1981
Detalii şi înregistrarea la adresa
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Scrisoare deschisă
Oficiul MOST a semnat, de comun cu alte Oficii în domeniul educaţiei,cercetării şi inovării cu sediul în Bruxelles, o scrisoare deschisă adresată candidatului desemnat la funcţia de Preşedinte al Comisiei Europene şi deputaţilor aleşi în Parlamentul European, în care a fost reiterată importanţa educaţiei, cercetării şi inovării pentru dezvoltarea de mai departe a Uniunii Europene.
OPEN LETTER on the importance of education, research and innovation
EU has an exciting time ahead with newly elected MEPs, a new President of the
European Council as well as a new President of the European Commission.
Candidates for the latter position put forward by the political parties in the
European Parliament were and are debating the future of the EU to large
audiences however a vision on the future of the EU in the field of education,
research and innovation has remained absent in these debates. The IGLO[1]
offices signing this open letter would therefore like to draw the attention to
the importance of the knowledge triangle for boosting economic growth and jobs
in the Europe.
On 1 January 2014, the EU programmes
Horizon 2020 for research and innovation and the Erasmus+ programme for
education youth and sports formally started. After two years of tough negotiations
on the contents and the budgets, consensus was reached. The results indicated that
investment in the knowledge triangle got the highest attention of the EU. Not
only do these programmes show that education, research and innovation have an
important role to play, also EU policies such as the European Research Area and
Rethinking Education and Opening up Education demonstrate that cooperation and
sharing best practices can indeed bring about respectively more coordinated
national research systems and mobility of researchers, students and teachers.
IGLO would
like to point out that investment in education, research and innovation are a
key component in the toolbox for finding sustainable solutions not only to
the societal challenges but also to the economic issues Europe is facing. These investments create new turnover,
new permanent jobs and sustainable solutions to our big societal challenges. Without
new knowledge and innovations Europe is not going to find its role in the
changing global arena. Hence, Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ must be better exposed
in the political agenda as education, research and innovation are fundamental
to Europe, to be one of the main actors in the changing global arena. Therefore,
research, innovation and education policies need to have strong leaders who can
bring the knowledge triangle dimension into the relevant European discussions
with proper weight.
therefore urge the newly (to be) elected representatives of the European
institutions to take the above mentioned duly into account because we believe
that the investments in research, innovation and education are essential
pre-requisites to secure growth and jobs in the future of the European Union.
[1] IGLO is an informal association of Brussels-based non-profit
R&D Liaison Offices. The aim of the network is to facilitate and enhance
the interaction, information exchange and cooperation between members of IGLO,
their national research systems and the European institutions on issues related
to EU R&D.(
Monday, 21 July 2014
START – Danube Region Project Fund
START is a new pilot initiative of the EUSDR and provides Seed Money for the development and implementation of Danube Region projects. Seed Money means that beneficiaries receive an early pre-financing in order to cover the project expenses from the beginning. This helps especially small organisations with limited resources to START their projects.
START is coordinated by PAC 10 (Priority Area Coordination 10 of the EUSDR) of the City of Vienna, with the involvement of all Priority Areas. EuroVienna ensures the operational implementation of the Facility.
The total allocation to START amounts to € 900.000,-, financed for 95% by the European Commission and for5% by the City of Vienna. The implementation of START will run until the end of 2016, 2 calls for project proposals are foreseen.
Basic principles to be eligible for START funding:
- Projects located in the entire Danube Region:
- EU Member States: Germany (Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria), Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia;
- EU Accession Countries: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro and
- Non-EU Countries: Moldova and Ukraine (part of the country located in the Danube Region).
- In principle, projects must involve at least two partners from two EUSDR countries.
- Eligible applicants are public or private organisations with legal personality (no individuals). START is especially designed for small institutions, non-governmental and civil society organisations.
- Projects which address topic(s) from at least one of the Priority Areas (PA) of the EUSDR:
- Projects must be of public interest and have a macro-regional impact.
- Project duration: up to one year.
Detalii despre program pot fi vizualizate la următorul link.
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Parteneriate UE-întreprinderi pentru încurajarea inovării: primul miliard de euro alocat proiectelor
Parteneriatele de cercetare dintre UE, sectorul privat și statele membre au prezentat astăzi primele lor cereri de proiecte și de parteneri în cadrul programului Orizont 2020, programul UE de cercetare și de inovare în valoare de 80 de miliarde de euro. Cu o sumă totală de 1,13 miliarde de euro din fonduri publice, la care se adaugă o sumă comparabilă din partea partenerilor privați, prima rundă de finanțare va fi dedicată unor proiecte având ca scop îmbunătățirea vieții oamenilor și stimularea competitivității internaționale a industriei europene. Aceste proiecte vor viza, printre altele, noi tratamente pentru diabet și pentru afecțiuni oculare, precum și darea în funcțiune a zeci de vehicule rutiere pe bază de hidrogen și de stații de realimentare cu combustibil.
José Manuel Barroso, președintele Comisiei Europene, a declarat: „Vom putea face față cu succes provocărilor uriașe cu care ne confruntăm doar dacă cele mai competente minți din mediul academic, din mediul industrial, din IMM-uri, din institutele de cercetare și din alte organizații lucrează împreună. Acesta este obiectivul parteneriatelor public-privat: să ne unim forțele pentru a îmbunătăți viața europenilor, pentru a crea locuri de muncă și pentru a stimula competitivitatea în UE. Angajamentul nostru este ca bugetul UE să se concentreze cu prioritate pe relansarea economică, iar parteneriatele merg în această direcție; primele cereri de propuneri însumează 1,1 miliarde de euro, la care se va adăuga o sumă similară din partea partenerilor privați, în cadrul unui pachet în valoare totală de 22 de miliarde de euro, destinat să contribuie la îmbunătățirea vieții oamenilor și la stimularea competitivității internaționale a industriei europene. Ele vor continua să producă rezultate pe care nicio țară, nicio întreprindere și nici chiar Uniunea Europeană însăși nu ar putea să le obțină singură.”
Lansarea primelor cereri are loc practic la aproape un an după ce Comisia Europeană a prezentat „Pachetul privind investițiile în inovare”, un set de propuneri vizând crearea a șapte parteneriate public-privat și a patru parteneriate public-public (a se vedea IP/13/668). Aceste parteneriate se vor derula în mai multe domenii-cheie, cum ar fi medicamentele, transportul, electronica și bioeconomia, și au o valoare totală de peste 22 de miliarde de euro. Propunerile au fost adoptate de Parlamentul European (a se vedeaSTATEMENT/14/128), precum și de Consiliul UE (a se vedea STATEMENT/14/149).
Directorii generali, directorii de exploatare și directorii tehnologici ai partenerilor privați s-au exprimat în numele celor șapte parteneriate: „Întreprinderile comune au demonstrat succesul modelului de parteneriat public-privat. Întreprinderile comune au obținut deja rezultate care contribuie la îmbunătățirea calității vieții oamenilor și a competitivității Europei. Suntem mândri să facem parte din aceste noi parteneriate din cadrul Orizont 2020 și ne bucurăm că s-au lansat la doar un an după ce au fost propuse de Comisie. Acum este timpul să trecem la acțiune și să producem și mai multe rezultate care vor contribui la creșterea economică, la crearea de locuri de muncă și la îmbunătățirea calității vieții.”
La evenimentul de lansare organizat astăzi la Bruxelles, partenerii privați au fost reprezentați de: Roch Doliveux, directorul general al UCB, Henri Winand, directorul general al Intelligent Energy, Jean-Paul Herteman, președintele și directorul general al grupului Safran, Peder Holk Nielsen, directorul general al Novozymes, Jean-Marc Chery, directorul de operațiuni al STMicroelectronics, Jochen Eickholt, directorul general al Divison Rail Systems, Siemens AG, Infrastructure & Cities Sector și Massimo Garbini, directorul general al ENAV.
Cele șapte parteneriate public-privat lansate astăzi reprezintă o investiție totală de 19,5 miliarde de euro în cercetare și inovare, care se va întinde pe următorii șapte ani. Contribuția UE la acest buget, în valoare de 7,3 miliarde de euro, va permite deblocarea unor investiții de 12,2 miliarde de euro din partea sectorului privat și a statelor membre. Împreună cu alte patru parteneriate de tip public-public cu statele membre, ele formează „Pachetul privind investițiile în inovare”, reprezentând peste 22 de miliarde de euro, o investiție în viitorul Europei.
Aceste parteneriate se desfășoară într-o serie de domenii cheie:
- Inițiativa privind medicamentele inovatoare 2 (IMI2): pentru dezvoltarea generației următoare de vaccinuri, medicamente și tratamente, cum ar fi noi antibiotice (site de internet | fișă informativă);
- Pile de combustie și hidrogen 2 (FCH2): pentru a accelera introducerea pe piață a unor tehnologii nepoluante și eficiente în domeniul energiei și al transporturilor (site de internet | fișă informativă);
- Clean Sky 2 (CS2): pentru dezvoltarea unor aeronave mai ecologice, mai silențioase, cu emisii de CO2mult mai scăzute (site de internet | fișă informativă);
- Bioindustrii (BBI): pentru utilizarea resurselor naturale regenerabile și a tehnologiilor inovatoare pentru produse de uz cotidian mai ecologice (site de internet | fișă informativă);
- Componente și sisteme electronice pentru o poziție de lider a Europei (ECSEL): pentru a stimula capacitățile europene de fabricare a produselor electronice (site de internet | fișă informativă);
- Shift2Rail: pentru dezvoltarea unor trenuri și a unei infrastructuri feroviare mai eficiente, care să reducă drastic costurile și să amelioreze capacitatea, fiabilitatea și punctualitatea (site de internet | fișă informativă);
- SESAR 2020: pentru a dezvolta sistemul european de management al traficului aerian de nouă generație, care va îmbunătăți performanțele transportului aerian (site de internet | fișă informativă).
La cererile competitive lansate de aceste parteneriate pot participa companiile, IMM-urile, universitățile, organizațiile de cercetare și alte organizații. Cele mai bune proiecte vor fi selectate pentru finanțare în urma unei evaluări inter pares
Preluat de pe site-ul oficial al Comisiei Europene
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Consultarea publică privind „Science 2.0”
Comisia Europeană a lansat, în data de 3 iulie, o consultare publică privind „Science 2.0”, cu scopul de a evalua tendința către un mod de cercetare și de inovare mai deschis, bazat pe date și axat pe cetățeni. Cercetătorii folosesc instrumente digitale pentru a implica mii de persoane în activitatea de cercetare, de exemplu, cerându-le să raporteze dacă s-au îmbolnăvit de gripă, pentru a putea monitoriza focarele de gripă și a face previziuni privind eventualele epidemii. Oamenii de știință sunt, de asemenea, mai deschiși: partajându-și rezultatele cercetării pe internet încă din etapele inițiale, ei își compară activitatea și poartă discuții pentru a o ameliora. Într-o măsură tot mai mare, publicațiile științifice sunt disponibile online în mod gratuit. După unele estimări, 90 % dintre toate datele disponibile în lume au fost generate în ultimii doi ani, iar producția de date științifice crește în fiecare an cu 30 %.
Consultarea va examina gradul de conștientizare și de participare la aceste tendințe și va colecta opinii cu privire la oportunitățile create de „Science 2.0” pentru a consolida competitivitatea sectorului european al științei și cercetării. Termenul-limită pentru trimiterea răspunsurilor este 30 septembrie 2014.
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, comisarul european pentru cercetare, inovare și știință, a declarat: „Science 2.0 revoluționează concepția noastră despre știință – de la analiză și schimbul de date și publicații la cooperarea la nivel mondial. De asemenea, cetățenii au posibilitatea să participe la căutarea de noi cunoștințe. Întregul proces științific devine mai transparent și mai eficient, dar acest lucru dă în același timp naștere la preocupări legate deintegritate și calitate. Iată de ce am dori să aflăm care sunt opiniile cetățenilor despre modul în care putem garanta că „Science 2.0” se dezvoltă într-un mod pozitiv pentru Europa.”
Vicepreședintele Comisiei Europene, Neelie Kroes, responsabilă cu Agenda digitală, a declarat: „În prezent, tehnologia și instrumentele digitale ne oferă posibilitatea unor noi transformări, îmbunătățind calitatea cercetării și inovării și făcându-le mai utile pentru cetățeni și societate. Ne îndreptăm către o activitate științifică deschisă și digitală — o tendință graduală, dar de neoprit. Această tendință și dorința de a o pune în practică nu vin din partea politicienilor, ci din partea comunităților științifice și academice, iar eu sunt hotărâtă să-i acord întregul meu sprijin.”
Comisia Europeană a inclus deja unele aspecte legate de „Science 2.0” în politicile sale. În special, accesul deschis la publicațiile științifice este obligatoriu pentru cercetarea efectuată în cadrul programului Orizont 2020, noul program de cercetare și inovare al UE. De asemenea, a fost lansat un proiect-pilot privind datele de cercetare deschise. Prin intermediul programelor sale de cercetare, UE finanțează, de asemenea, un număr de proiecte științifice pentru cetățeni și sprijină o parte a infrastructurii electronice care stă la baza Science 2.0.
Mai multe informații pot fi vizualizate accesînd acest link.
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Asocierea Republicii Moldova la UE prinde contur
Astăzi, 1 iulie, Republica Moldova a semnat,
concomitent cu statele din Balcanii de Vest (Republica Macedonia, Muntenegru,
Serbia, Albania şi Bosnia şi Herţegovina) Acordul de Asociere la Programul
european pentru cercetare-inovare Orizont 2020 (H2020).
urmare a semnării în data de 27 iunie a Acordului de Asociere cu Uniunea
Europeană, H2020 devine primul program comunitar la care se asociază țara
noastră, iar Republica Moldova devine prima țară din cadrul Parteneriatului Estic ce va
acest statut.
va intra în vigoare retroactiv, începînd cu 1 ianuarie 2014, astfel încît entitățile
fizice și juridice reprezentînd țara
noastră obțin drepturi similare cu cele din statele membre ale UE, în cadrul apelurilor Programului H2020 (inclusiv
cele curente – a se vedea pagina
La program pot participa instituţii de cercetare şi universităţi, dar şi
sectorul asociativ şi cel de afaceri.
partea Republicii Moldova Acordul a fost semnat de către acad. Gheorghe Duca,
Preşedintele AŞM. Înregistrarea ceremoniei de semnare poate fi vizualizată la
următorul link:
Friday, 27 June 2014
Bazele de date ale Centrului Comun de Cercetare al UE
Găsiţi mai jos bazele de date dezvoltate de către institutele din cadrul Centrului Comun de Cercetare al UE, care pot fi utilizate în procesul de cercetare sau dezvoltare a politicilor publice.
Acronym: ANM
Collaborating DGs: COMM
Acronym: ACP Observatory
Acronym: AGRI4CAST Meteo
Collaborating DGs: AGRI
Collaborating DGs: AGRI
Acronym: AGRI4CAST Viewer
Collaborating DGs: AGRI
Acronym: Agri4Cast IS
Collaborating DGs: ENV, AGRI
Acronym: AirMonTech
Acronym: AnisView
Acronym: Assessment for All
Collaborating DGs: MARE
Acronym: ABC-IS
Acronym: AnchovyID
External Partners: French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea IFREMER Nantes, Fance
Acronym: AGRI4CAST BioMA
Collaborating DGs: AGRI
Acronym: Blue Hub
Acronym: CCM
Acronym: CheLIST
Acronym: EDEXIM
Acronym: FLOODS-Climate Change
Acronym: CoCal
Acronym: CID
External Partners: Member States Administrations EU, Research and Development Institutions EU
Acronym: ConTraffic
Collaborating DGs: OLAF
Acronym: CIWIN
Collaborating DGs: HOME
Acronym: EFFIS
Acronym: DART
Acronym: EDO - Data and Tools
External Partners: Geological and Mines Research Office, Ebro River Basin Authority, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Geographic Institute of Spain, Spanish Observatory for Sustainability, University of Ljubljana, University of Zaragoza
Acronym: Data Dissemination
Collaborating DGs: MARE
Acronym: DB-ALM
Acronym: AFOLU
Acronym: GMOINFO
Collaborating DGs: SANCO
Acronym: DATA-M
Collaborating DGs: Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
External Partners: Prognoz
Acronym: Atmospheric Modelling
Acronym: DMA
Collaborating DGs: ECHO
Acronym: DOPA
Collaborating DGs: DG DEVCO, DG ENV
External Partners: GBIF, Bird Life International, UNEP, WCMC, RSPB, IUCN
Acronym: Digital Tachograph
Collaborating DGs: MOVE
External Partners: UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe)
Acronym: ECCAIRS portal
Collaborating DGs: MOVE
External Partners: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), International Civil Aviation Authorities, Member State Civil Aviation Authorities, Member State Safety Investigation Authorities
Collaborating DGs: MOVE
External Partners: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), International Civil Aviation Authorities, Member State Civil Aviation Authorities, Member State Safety Investigation Authorities
Acronym: eHabitat
Acronym: EMCIP portal
Collaborating DGs: MOVE
External Partners: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), Member State Maritime Authorities, Member State Accident Investigation Bodies
Acronym: EMCIP
Collaborating DGs: MOVE
External Partners: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), Member State Maritime Authorities, Member State Accident Investigation Bodies
Acronym: Energy efficiency in fisheries
Collaborating DGs: MARE
Acronym: EASIN
External Partners: Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN), Regional Euro-Asian Biologocial Invasions Centre (REABIC)
Acronym: ESIS
Acronym: NPP clearinghouse
Acronym: EVDAB
Acronym: ExpoFacts
Acronym: EFP
Acronym: Forest Inventory
Acronym: EIPE
Collaborating DGs: DG CONNECT
Acronym: ELSA Database
Acronym: EURDEP
Collaborating DGs: ENER
External Partners: BfS/IAR
Acronym: ELCD
Acronym: ERM
Acronym: ERNCIP
Acronym: European Soil Data Centre - Maps
Collaborating DGs: ENV, ESTAT
External Partners: European Environment Agency
External Partners: CEA, EDF, ONERA, Universities
Acronym: EXITO
Collaborating DGs: HOME
External Partners: ENISA
Acronym: FAS
Acronym: FATE Maps
Collaborating DGs: MARE
Acronym: FACET
Acronym: EFAS
Acronym: Forest Cover Maps
Acronym: EFDAC Map Viewer
Acronym: FAPAR
Acronym: FSDA
External Partners: University of Parma (IT)
Acronym: GBA2000
Acronym: L3JRC
Acronym: Global Crisis Atlas
Collaborating DGs: Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
External Partners: EEAS
Acronym: GDACS
Collaborating DGs: ECHO
External Partners: UNOCHA, Institute for Meteorological Research Iceland and SARWeather, Dartmouth Flood Observatory, UNITAR-UNOSAT
Acronym: GEM-data sources
Acronym: GEM-Travel time to major cities
Acronym: GFDS
Collaborating DGs: ECHO
External Partners: Dartmouth Flood Observatory, NASA
Acronym: GHSL
Collaborating DGs: DG REGIO
Acronym: GLC2000
Acronym: GMIS
Acronym: GVCA/FCA web application
Collaborating DGs: DG ECHO
Acronym: GAEC
Acronym: GUIDOS
Acronym: Image 2000
External Partners: participating countries
Acronym: iMAP
Collaborating DGs: Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
Acronym: InforRM
Collaborating DGs: DG ECHO
External Partners: UN OCHA, UNICEF, UNSDR, UNEP, UNHCR, WFP, FAO, WHO, IOM-OIM, World Bank, UK aid
Acronym: I3S
Acronym: INSPIRE
Collaborating DGs: ENV, EUROSTAT
Acronym: Smart grid projects
External Partners: eurelectric
Acronym: Meteorological data
Collaborating DGs: DG MARE, DG ECHO, DG ENV
External Partners: EEA
Acronym: MARS WiKiCap
Acronym: LCA
Acronym: LioDotNet
Acronym: LPIS QA
Acronym: eMARS
Collaborating DGs: ENV
Acronym: EDO
External Partners: Geological and Mines Research Office, Ebro River Basin Authority, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Geographic Institute of Spain, Spanish Observatory for Sustainability, University of Ljubljana, University of Zaragoza
Acronym: ESDAC Map viewer
Collaborating DGs: ENV, ESTAT
External Partners: European Environment Agency
Acronym: Fishpoptrace
External Partners: Bangor University, Danish Institute for Fisheries Research, Technical University of Denmark (DIFRES.DTU), University of Padova (UNIPD), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.Leuven), Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (UNIBO), University of Bergen (UiB), University of Bremen (UNI.HB), TRACE Wildlife Forensics Network, Département Sciences & Techniques Alimentaires Marines (IFREMER), National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF), Spanish National Fundation of Fish and Seafood Processors (ANFACO - CECOPESCA), University of Aarhus (AU), The Centre of Molecular Genetic Identification (VNIRO), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Acronym: FOODSEC
Acronym: Agri4Cas Bulletingst
Acronym: MedISys
Collaborating DGs: DG SANCO, HOME
External Partners: ECDC, EFSA, WHO, GHSAG
Acronym: METIS
Acronym: Fish Habitat
Collaborating DGs: MARE, ENV
Acronym: MSPA
Acronym: NANOhub
Acronym: NoMiracle
Acronym: Ocean Colour
Acronym: Ongoing floods
Acronym: ODIN-Documents databases
Acronym: ODIN-Engineering databases
Acronym: PVGIS
Acronym: Fishing Communities
Collaborating DGs: MARE
Acronym: ECR-SRIS
Collaborating DGs: MOVE
External Partners: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), International Civil Aviation Authorities, Member State Civil Aviation Authorities, Member State Safety Investigation Authorities
Acronym: Stat4tox
Acronym: SETIS
Acronym: EDGAR
External Partners: Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Acronym: The European Atlas of the Seas
Collaborating DGs: MARE, ESTAT, MOVE, REGIO
External Partners: EMODnet, European Maritime Safety Agency, European Environment Agency, Eurosion project, EuroGeographics, International Seabed Authority, International Hydrographic Organisation, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries, European Wind Energy Association, The European Fisheries Areas Network (FARNET), Community Fishing Fleet Register, European Market Observatory for fisheries and aquaculture, European Marine Energy Centre, Copernicus-EUHYDRO, UNESCO, Food and Agriculture Organization, World Database on Protected Areas, International Aquarium Forum, European Maritime Heritage, Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, CoopP project,, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency - US, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - US, National Snow and Ice Data Center - US.
Acronym: EIPPCB
Acronym: ESLC
Collaborating DGs: EAC
Acronym: EUSES
Acronym: THESEUS
Collaborating DGs: OLAF
External Partners: EU MSs
Acronym: Toxmatch
Acronym: Toxtree
Collaborating DGs: ENER
Acronym: Transtools
Collaborating DGs: TREN
External Partners: CTT - Centre for Traffic and Transport Research DTU - Technical University of Denmark, CAU - Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, ISIS - Istituto di Studi per l'Integrazione dei Sistemi, IWW - Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik und Wirtschaftsforschung - Universität Karslruhe, NEA Transport Research and Training, TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research Building and Construction Research, TRT - Trasporti e Territorio Srl
Acronym: EFDAC - Tree species habitat suitability
Acronym: WAD
Găsiţi mai jos bazele de date dezvoltate de către institutele din cadrul Centrului Comun de Cercetare al UE, care pot fi utilizate în procesul de cercetare sau dezvoltare a politicilor publice.
Africa News Monitor provides daily news summaries, analysis on the latest news
coming out of the African continent.
Acronym: ANM
Collaborating DGs: COMM
Map Viewer allows the user to apply layers of different data onto a map,
including socioeconomic, agriculture, climate and energy data. The JRC supports
other Commission services and stakeholders in the African, Caribbean and
Pacific Group of States (ACP) Region.
Acronym: ACP Observatory
One of
the main output of the CGMS system are the Meteorological Interpolated data. In
compliance with the Commission policy these data are available to the
scientific community.
Acronym: AGRI4CAST Meteo
Collaborating DGs: AGRI
to the Mars Crop Yield Forecasting System (MCYFS) wiki. Here you will find
documentation, articles, events and general information about the MCYFS. There
is no restriction on reading any of the content, but for editing you need to
log in.
Collaborating DGs: AGRI
MARS web viewer offers wide variety of information about the current
agricultural season in Europe and other important agricultural areas in the
world. To get access you have to register.
Acronym: AGRI4CAST Viewer
Collaborating DGs: AGRI
ImageServer of Agri4Cast is the online portal for satellite remote sensing of
vegetation state parameters.
Acronym: Agri4Cast IS
Collaborating DGs: ENV, AGRI
AirMonTech is an EU FP7 project that compiles
information to harmonise current air pollution monitoring techniques and to
advise on future monitoring technologies and strategy. It collects existing
information on current and future air quality (AQ) monitors.
Acronym: AirMonTech
is an educational software to visualize the Bidirectional Reflectance
Distribution Function (BRDF) using one of the two radiative transfer models RPV
and MRPV. AnisView has the following features: Graphic display modes:
Geometry: an interactive mode to visualize the user-driven illumina
Acronym: AnisView
The a4a
method facilitates the estimation of the current fish stocks and the prediction
of their future status under alternative scenarios.
Acronym: Assessment for All
Collaborating DGs: MARE
Atmosphere, Biosphere, Climate - Integrated Station (ABC-IS), provides
Acronym: ABC-IS
aims at providing molecular tools in support of traceability and anchovy
product authentication. Traceability and product authentication in the fishing
industry sector play an increasingly important role.
Acronym: AnchovyID
External Partners: French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea IFREMER Nantes, Fance
simulate impacts of climate change to agriculture and to evaluate adaptation
strategies, the JRC uses its Bio-physical Model Applications Framework (BioMA).
Acronym: AGRI4CAST BioMA
Collaborating DGs: AGRI
Blue Hub is the JRC in-house platform to perform research in the fields of maritime
surveillance and Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA).
Acronym: Blue Hub
JRC's Catchment Characterisation and Modelling (CCM) activity provides a
database of river networks.
Acronym: CCM
order to develop and assess computational and in vitro methods for predictive
toxicology, there is a need to identify chemicals for which property data are
Acronym: CheLIST
EDEXIM database is a continuosly updated database to support the implementation
of Regulation 689/2008 and the Rotterdam Convention within the EU.
Acronym: EDEXIM
webpage provides information about the climate change impacts on hydrological
resources and cycles; floods, droughts, water resources.
Acronym: FLOODS-Climate Change
CoCal toolboxes are standardised databases with information about the
composition of cocoa butters, cocoa butter equivalents and more than 4000
mixtures thereof (CoCal 1), while CoCal 2 has a information about the
composition of a wide range of milk fat samples and more than 900 mixtures with
Acronym: CoCal
Community Image Data (CID) Portal provides access to satellite remote sensing
Acronym: CID
External Partners: Member States Administrations EU, Research and Development Institutions EU
90% of
the world's cargo is transported in maritime containers, but only 2% is
physically inspected by customs authorities, opening the possibility for
illicit activities.
Acronym: ConTraffic
Collaborating DGs: OLAF
Critical Infrastructure Warning Information Network (CIWIN), an initiative of
the Commission's Drectorate General for Home Affairs, is a pillar of the
European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection that seeks to reduce
the vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure in the EU.
Acronym: CIWIN
Collaborating DGs: HOME
Current Situation map viewer of the European Forest Fire Information System
displays up to date information on the current fire situation in Europe
Acronym: EFFIS
Danish (Q)SAR database is a repository of estimates from over 70 (Q)SAR models
for 166,072 chemicals. The (Q)SAR models encompass endpoints for
physicochemical properties, fate, eco-toxicity, absorption, metabolism and
DART (Decision
Analysis by Ranking Techniques) is a powerful and user-friendly software tool
designed for the ranking of chemicals according to their environmental and
toxicological concern based on the most recent ranking theories.
Acronym: DART
European Drought Observatory (EDO) website provides free access to tools and
Acronym: EDO - Data and Tools
External Partners: Geological and Mines Research Office, Ebro River Basin Authority, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Geographic Institute of Spain, Spanish Observatory for Sustainability, University of Ljubljana, University of Zaragoza
tool allows exploring scientific fishery data and economic indicators on
the aquaculture fish processing and fishing sectors.
Acronym: Data Dissemination
Collaborating DGs: MARE
DataBase service on Alternative Methods to animal testing
Acronym: DB-ALM
ensure the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework
Convention of Climate Change, the JRC checks and reviews the EU member states
submissions and contribution to the European Union Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Acronym: AFOLU
purpose of the GMOINFO
system is to publish
information regarding notifications submitted from the applicants to the Member
States Competent Authorities about deliberate field trials and placing on the
market for cultivation, food, feed and processing, of genetically modified
organisms, as defined in Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 12 March 2001.
Acronym: GMOINFO
Collaborating DGs: SANCO
DataM is
a tool for collecting and managing the most relevant datasets available
worldwide on Agriculture, Trade and related Models.
Acronym: DATA-M
Collaborating DGs: Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
External Partners: Prognoz
A large
number of datasets is presently available to the Scientific Community for
atmospheric model validation. These data have been made accessible through web
sites by the research groups that collected them or, in many cases, can be
obtained upon direct request to these groups.
Acronym: Atmospheric Modelling
digital map archive is a collection of interactive on-line maps that can be
easily retrieved through a dedicated web platform.
Acronym: DMA
Collaborating DGs: ECHO
a biodiversity information system that functions as a tool for assessing,
monitoring and forecasting biodiversity status and trends.
Acronym: DOPA
Collaborating DGs: DG DEVCO, DG ENV
External Partners: GBIF, Bird Life International, UNEP, WCMC, RSPB, IUCN
manages the Laboratory for Interoperability Certification, which is responsible
for carrying out thorough test procedures on the digital tachograph and for
issuing one of the three certifications needed for it to enter the market.
Acronym: Digital Tachograph
Collaborating DGs: MOVE
External Partners: UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe)
ECCAIRS web portal provides a web based environment with which professionals in
the aviation safety domain can share information and tools.
Acronym: ECCAIRS portal
Collaborating DGs: MOVE
External Partners: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), International Civil Aviation Authorities, Member State Civil Aviation Authorities, Member State Safety Investigation Authorities
European Coordination Centre for Accident and Incident Reporting Systems
(ECCAIRS) provides the European Central Repository for accident and incident
reports in aviation.
Collaborating DGs: MOVE
External Partners: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), International Civil Aviation Authorities, Member State Civil Aviation Authorities, Member State Safety Investigation Authorities
analyse climate change impacts on protected areas, the JRC has developed a
web-based tool for assessing potential environmental changes resulting from
anthropogenic activities.
Acronym: eHabitat
EMCIP web portal provides a web based environment with which professionals in
the maritime safety domain can share information and tools.
Acronym: EMCIP portal
Collaborating DGs: MOVE
External Partners: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), Member State Maritime Authorities, Member State Accident Investigation Bodies
European Marine Casualty Information Platform (EMCIP) provides the means
to store data and information related to marine casualties involving all types
of ships and occupational accidents.
Acronym: EMCIP
Collaborating DGs: MOVE
External Partners: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), Member State Maritime Authorities, Member State Accident Investigation Bodies
the rising cost of fuel, energy efficiency in fisheries has become a key issue
for the sector's profitability, and the European Commission pledged to
facilitate the exchange of good ideas and best practice.
Acronym: Energy efficiency in fisheries
Collaborating DGs: MARE
European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN) aims to increase the access
to data and information on alien species in Europe.
Acronym: EASIN
External Partners: Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN), Regional Euro-Asian Biologocial Invasions Centre (REABIC)
a heterogeneous information system which provides information on chemicals.
Acronym: ESIS
overall objectives of the European Network on Operational Experience Feedback
for Nuclear Power Plants are to facilitate efficient sharing and implementation
of operational experience feedback to improve the safety of Nuclear Power
Acronym: NPP clearinghouse
European Database of Vulnerabilities to Natural Hazards (EVDAB) focuses on 305
urban areas across the continent and provides innovative spatial indicators in
support of the European policies related to climate change, civil protection
and risk management.
Acronym: EVDAB
European Exposure Factors (ExpoFacts) Sourcebook is a collection of statistics
and references covering a range of fields such as data on housing, diet and population.
Acronym: ExpoFacts
On this
website there are numerous Briefs regarding the foresight and orecasting of
different sectors.
Acronym: EFP
European forest inventory database includes regional data of several European
countries. Data are normally provided for the regions and are classified by:
forest area type, cultural system and forest type.
Acronym: Forest Inventory
EIPE (European ICT Poles of Excellence) Composite Indicator brings together 42
indicators to evaluate in all EU regions (1303
Acronym: EIPE
Collaborating DGs: DG CONNECT
of tests performed at the European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA).
Results of test campaigns are available for authorised users to download.
Acronym: ELSA Database
EURDEP (EUropean Radiological Data Exchange Platform) Public Map displays the
radiological monitoring data from most European countries in nearly real-time.
EURDEP is both a standard data-format for radiological data and a network for
the exchange of automatic monitoring data.
Acronym: EURDEP
Collaborating DGs: ENER
External Partners: BfS/IAR
European reference Life Cycle Database (ECLD) comprises Life Cycle Inventory
(LCI) data from front-running EU-level business associations and other sources
for key materials, energy carriers, transport, and waste management.
Acronym: ELCD
major European reference materials producers have combined forces to produce a
brand new standard in reference materials to ensure reliability and
comparability of the results of chemical analysis.
Acronym: ERM
mission is to foster the emergence of innovative, qualified, efficient and
competitive security solutions, through networking of European experimental
Acronym: ERNCIP
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) is the thematic centre for soil related data
in Europe. The maps resource presents a library of scanned maps and a
collection of prepared maps derived from existing soil databases at the JRC.
Acronym: European Soil Data Centre - Maps
Collaborating DGs: ENV, ESTAT
External Partners: European Environment Agency
is a computer code for the simulation of fast transient fluid-structure
interaction problems. It is co-owned by JRC and CEA and is developed jointly by
the co-owners plus the members of a Consortium (currently including EDF and
ONERA), and a number of Universities.
External Partners: CEA, EDF, ONERA, Universities
the exercise event Injection toolkit, was developed by the JRC in order to help
the moderators of large scale, multi-party exercises. It has been designed as a
communication and coordination tool to keep track of the execution of complex
exercises with large number of injects and players.
Acronym: EXITO
Collaborating DGs: HOME
External Partners: ENISA
on Farm Advisory Systems set up by Member States
Acronym: FAS
FATE data portal displays the geographic layers offered by the Rural, Water and
Ecosystem Resources Unit. In addition, it features a simple data query
interface for finding requested data and layers.
Acronym: FATE Maps
collects and maintains fisheries and aquaculture data transmitted by EU
Member States under the remit of the Data Collection Framework (DCF)
Collaborating DGs: MARE
JRC's FACET tool (Flavourings, Additives, and food Contact materials Exposure
Tool) consists of a downloadable programme to estimate the EU consumers'
exposure to these substances.
Acronym: FACET
The JRC’s research on floods focuses on improving preparedness
and support during a flood crisis. The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS)
forecasts the potential for floods in Europe up to ten days in advance
and communicates this information to EU member states.
Acronym: EFAS
meteo data derived from global atmospherical models.
database of forest cover maps provides the user with a high level of spatial
detail as well as geometric and thematic accuracy on the spatial distribution
of European forests.
Acronym: Forest Cover Maps
forest pattern viewer, another service provided by EFDAC, displays the level
and type of forest presence within Europe. The interactive tool allows the user
to navigate through different themes and indicators.
Acronym: EFDAC Map Viewer
Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) is an
indicator of the state and productivity of vegetation and has been recognized
as a fundamental surface parameter for environmental studies by international
organizations, like the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS).
Acronym: FAPAR
forward search data analysis approach MATLAB (FSDA) Toolbox extends MATLAB and
statistics toolbox to support a robust and efficient analysis of complex data
Acronym: FSDA
External Partners: University of Parma (IT)
inventory of burned areas at monthly time periods for the year 2000 at a
resolution of 1 km2 has been produced using SPOT-VGT satellite data.
Acronym: GBA2000
A new,
global, burnt area product has been developed, from time series of SPOT-VGT
data, and validated. Burnt areas are reported at a resolution of 1 km for seven
fire years (2000 to 2007). A modified version of a Global Burnt Area (GBA) 2000
algorithm is used to compute global burnt area.
Acronym: L3JRC
Global Crisis Atlas is a service of the Commission that provides a catalogue of
digital maps produced by its in-house science service, the Joint Research
Centre, to meet the needs of the European External Action service (EEAS) and
the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI).
Acronym: Global Crisis Atlas
Collaborating DGs: Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
External Partners: EEAS
Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS) is a web-based platform
that in case of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and
cyclones, sends automatic alerts via e-mail, fax or SMS to the international
first responders community.
Acronym: GDACS
Collaborating DGs: ECHO
External Partners: UNOCHA, Institute for Meteorological Research Iceland and SARWeather, Dartmouth Flood Observatory, UNITAR-UNOSAT
webpage provides the data sources that were used to create the GEM Travel Time
to Major Cities map.
Acronym: GEM-data sources
A new
map of Travel Time to Major Cities - developed by the European Commission and
the World Bank - captures the connectivity and the concentration of economic
activity. The map shows how accessible some parts of the world have become
whilst other regions have remained isolated.
Acronym: GEM-Travel time to major cities
Global Flood Detection System web application publishes the results of a new
processing technique for remote sensing data that allows near real-time
detection of flooded areas worldwide.
Acronym: GFDS
Collaborating DGs: ECHO
External Partners: Dartmouth Flood Observatory, NASA
main objectives of the Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) are: 1) To build a
globally-consistent, multi-scale and detailed representation of built-up areas
with free public access through standard protocols – nominal target information production scales are
1:10K and 1:50K.
Acronym: GHSL
Collaborating DGs: DG REGIO
Unit is coordinated and implemented the Global Land Cover 2000 Project (GLC
2000) in collaboration with a network of partners around the world. The general
objective is to provide for the year 2000 a harmonized land cover database over
the whole globe.
Acronym: GLC2000
Global Marine Information System (GMIS) facilitate access to analysis of
satellite remote sensing data.
Acronym: GMIS
web application provides access, in an interactive way, to the composite
indicators, as well as their source data, that are used in DG ECHO's
humanitarian needs strategy.
Acronym: GVCA/FCA web application
Collaborating DGs: DG ECHO
of Good Agriculture and Environmental Conditions defined by Member States since
Acronym: GAEC
GUIDOS software - Graphical User Interface for the Description of image Objects
and their Shapes - can be used to perform Morphological Spatial Pattern
Analysis (MSPA) on raster image data. MSPA conducts a segmentation of the image
foreground data into mutual exclusive feature classes.
Acronym: GUIDOS
products are intended to be the main source of data for updating the European
Land Cover database (CORINE Land Cover), but are also reference data in
Acronym: Image 2000
External Partners: participating countries
iMAP is a policy
support-oriented platform that disposes of a number of partial equilibrium
(AGLINK-COSIMO, CAPRI, AGMEMOD) and computable general equilibrium (MAGNET,
GLOBE, RegEU27) models.
Acronym: iMAP
Collaborating DGs: Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
is a way to measure the risk of humanitarian crises and help better prevent,
mitigate and prepare for them. It is a risk index that identifies where crises
requiring international assistance may occur and analyses that risk so it can
be better managed by everyone.
Acronym: InforRM
Collaborating DGs: DG ECHO
External Partners: UN OCHA, UNICEF, UNSDR, UNEP, UNHCR, WFP, FAO, WHO, IOM-OIM, World Bank, UK aid
Innovation Union Information and Intelligence system (I3S) is a web-based
platform for all Innovation Union stakeholders. Its principal aim is to ensure
that all stakeholders are well informed on the implementation of the Innovation
Acronym: I3S
INSPIRE geoportal tool provides the means to search for spatial data sets and
spatial data services from the EU Member States within the framework of the
INSPIRE Directive. The directives aim was to create an infrastructure for EU
spatial data.
Acronym: INSPIRE
Collaborating DGs: ENV, EUROSTAT
interactive map of smart grids projects provides an overview of the development
of smart grids in Europe. It contains the most up-to-date information regarding
smart grids projects in individual EU member states and at European level.
Acronym: Smart grid projects
External Partners: eurelectric
meteorological station provides real-time data measured at the JRC Ispra site
in Northern Italy. Among other data, it provides information about present
temperature, pressure, humidity, rain fall, wind speed and solar irradiation.
Acronym: Meteorological data
GMO-Matrix is a decision support tool to optimise the detection of GMOs via
computer simulation which makes the analysis of GMOs in the food chain more
efficient and cost-effective.
water portal serves as the gateway to JRC’s information systems on freshwater
and marine water resources.
Collaborating DGs: DG MARE, DG ECHO, DG ENV
External Partners: EEA
first version of the JRC web platform on nanomaterials is mainly based on links
to information already available on-line. Knowledge on nanomaterials is
scattered on the internet across very different sources and located at several
levels. The JRC offers a structured access to it.
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) aims to support farmers’ incomes and at the same time encourages them to produce
high quality products and to adapt to more sustainable practices.
Acronym: MARS WiKiCap
European Life Cycle thinking Database consists of life cycle emission and
resource consumption data from front-running EU-level business associations and
other sources for key materials, energy carriers, transport, and waste
management (Life Cycle Inventory).
Acronym: LCA
LIODOTNET ‘Live Image Ordering system is a web
application developed by the JRC that serves as the main communication tool for
the Control with Remote Sensing (CwRS) campaigns. Automatic email exchange
synchronizes actions between the different actors with
restraint access.
Acronym: LioDotNet
Parcel Information Systems Quality Assessment Portal
Acronym: LPIS QA
is the official reporting repository for submitting accident reports to the
European Commission according to the criteria established in the Seveso II
Directive. The current MARS database contains over 700 accidents and near
misses collected since 1982 from the Member States.
Acronym: eMARS
Collaborating DGs: ENV
European Drought Observatory (EDO) map viewer allows a user to apply different
layers of data related to droughts onto the map of Europe. In addition, the
maps are archived, so data is available since 2003.
Acronym: EDO
External Partners: Geological and Mines Research Office, Ebro River Basin Authority, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Geographic Institute of Spain, Spanish Observatory for Sustainability, University of Ljubljana, University of Zaragoza
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) map viewer allows users to navigate selected
datasets such as water management system, altitude and chemical properties. It
features the European Soil Database which is the main product offered on ESDAC.
Acronym: ESDAC Map viewer
Collaborating DGs: ENV, ESTAT
External Partners: European Environment Agency
FishPopTrace Geo-Visualisation tool allows all interested parties to observe
results and outcomes of the FP7 project FishPopTrace, put in a
geographical context. Features include the FishPopTrace sampling effort.
Acronym: Fishpoptrace
External Partners: Bangor University, Danish Institute for Fisheries Research, Technical University of Denmark (DIFRES.DTU), University of Padova (UNIPD), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.Leuven), Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (UNIBO), University of Bergen (UiB), University of Bremen (UNI.HB), TRACE Wildlife Forensics Network, Département Sciences & Techniques Alimentaires Marines (IFREMER), National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF), Spanish National Fundation of Fish and Seafood Processors (ANFACO - CECOPESCA), University of Aarhus (AU), The Centre of Molecular Genetic Identification (VNIRO), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
the crop season, the JRC provides near-real-time Early Warning bulletins
(national/ regional Bulletins), with a specific focus on the Sub-Saharan
Africa, to highlight the development of potentially critical situations and
forecast quantitative production one month prior to harvest.
Acronym: FOODSEC
MARS bulletins offer in a near real time and in an operational context analyses
and information on crop growth conditions and yield forecast at EU27 level and
neighbouring countries like Ukraine, Black Sea area and Maghreb. The Bulletin
archive gathers all Bulletins published since 1997.
Acronym: Agri4Cas Bulletingst
is an internet monitoring and analysis system providing event based
surveillance to rapidly identify potential threats to the public health using
information from the internet. It displays only those articles with interest to
Public Health, grouped by disease or disease type.
Acronym: MedISys
Collaborating DGs: DG SANCO, HOME
External Partners: ECDC, EFSA, WHO, GHSAG
METIS (Metabolic Information Input System) Editor is a user-friendly
open-source application designed for the storage and input of information on
metabolism and degradation reactions in the database employed by the Chemical
Reactivity and Fate Tool (CRAFT) software.
Acronym: METIS
has developed a new habitat model allowing the potential presence of top
predators to be tracked through daily updated maps.
Acronym: Fish Habitat
Collaborating DGs: MARE, ENV
Spatial Pattern (MSPA) maps based on the Forest Cover maps.
Acronym: MSPA
is a database and information platform developed to address and host
nano-specific information and methodology. It is based on IUCLID, which
provides a common accepted basis for regulatory use of data, such as in the
OECD context.
Acronym: NANOhub
an integrated European research project, will help increase knowledge on the
transfer of pollutants between different environmental compartments, and on the
impact of cumulative stressors, including chemical mixtures.
Acronym: NoMiracle
Ocean colour satellite remote sensing tool allows the study of the optical
properties of the oceans and the biology of the marine ecosystems.
Acronym: Ocean Colour
ongoing floods map viewer, part of the JRC’s
floods portal, highlights the locations where river levels exceed critical
thresholds. It is based on near real-time river measurements,
automatically transferred by the national hydrological centres to the JRC.
Acronym: Ongoing floods
Odin is
the Online Data & Information Network of the Institute for Energy and
Transport provided by the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) to
the European research community.
Acronym: ODIN-Documents databases
Engineering databases. Including the materials database (MatDB), Hiad database
(Hiad-DB), Nesshy database (Nesshy-DB), High Temperature Reactor-Fuel database
(HTR-Fuel-DB), HTR-Graphite database (HTR-Graphite-DB).
Acronym: ODIN-Engineering databases
part of PVGIS, this webpage shows the JRC developed database and methodology for
calculating daytime/daily ambient temperature for any time in a day and
location over the European subcontinent.
Acronym: PVGIS
interactive tool gives the user an insight into how smart grids work, with
present and future scenarios.
European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) is the thematic centre for soil related data
in Europe. Its objective is to host relevant soil data and information at the
European level. It consists of two main elements: a catalogue of soil resources
and a map viewer that displays soil data.?
identifies EU coastal communities dependent on fisheries using spatial analysis
and an economic geography approach.
Acronym: Fishing Communities
Collaborating DGs: MARE
Safety Recommendations Information System (SRIS) provides the European central
repository for safety recommendations in aviation.
Acronym: ECR-SRIS
Collaborating DGs: MOVE
External Partners: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), International Civil Aviation Authorities, Member State Civil Aviation Authorities, Member State Safety Investigation Authorities
is a software tool that provides novel statistical analysis techniques for
toxicological data, including dose-response data, via a user-friendly graphical
user interface.
Acronym: Stat4tox
Information System for the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan)
Acronym: SETIS
maintains the online Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR)
which was developed in collaboration with the Netherlands Environment
Assessment Agency.
Acronym: EDGAR
External Partners: Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
portal disseminates cartographic information related to EU's coasts and seas
both as maps and open data.
Acronym: The European Atlas of the Seas
Collaborating DGs: MARE, ESTAT, MOVE, REGIO
External Partners: EMODnet, European Maritime Safety Agency, European Environment Agency, Eurosion project, EuroGeographics, International Seabed Authority, International Hydrographic Organisation, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries, European Wind Energy Association, The European Fisheries Areas Network (FARNET), Community Fishing Fleet Register, European Market Observatory for fisheries and aquaculture, European Marine Energy Centre, Copernicus-EUHYDRO, UNESCO, Food and Agriculture Organization, World Database on Protected Areas, International Aquarium Forum, European Maritime Heritage, Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, CoopP project,, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency - US, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - US, National Snow and Ice Data Center - US.
EIPPC Bureau website provides all the Best Available Techniques (BAT) reference
documents, the so-called BREFs, that have been adopted under both the IPPC Directive
and the Industrial Emissions Directive.
Acronym: EIPPCB
European Survey on Language Competences (ESLC) was carried out in 2012 to
provide the Commission and the participant countries comparable data - across
skills and languages – of foreign language competences of
secondary school students.
Acronym: ESLC
Collaborating DGs: EAC
European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances (EUSES) is a
decision-support instrument which enables government authorities, research
institutes and chemical companies to carry out rapid and efficient assessments
of the general risks posed by chemical substances.
Acronym: EUSES
restricted access web-based platform THESEUS is used by OLAF and its partners
in the EU Member States to have access to alerts related to illicit, financial
related, activities (e.g.
Acronym: THESEUS
Collaborating DGs: OLAF
External Partners: EU MSs
is a flexible and user-friendly open-source software application that encodes
several chemical similarity indices to facilitate the grouping of chemicals
into categories and read-across.
Acronym: Toxmatch
is a flexible and user-friendly predictive toxicology open-source application.
It places chemicals into categories and predicts various kinds of toxic effect
by applying decision tree approaches.
Acronym: Toxtree
TRANSURANUS fuel performance code is a key instrument for the thermal,
mechanical and neutron-physical analysis of a cylindrical fuel rod in nuclear
Collaborating DGs: ENER
is a European transport network model covering both passengers and freight, as
well as intermodal transport. It combines advanced modelling techniques in
transport generation and assignment, economic activity, trade, logistics,
regional development and environmental impacts.
Acronym: Transtools
Collaborating DGs: TREN
External Partners: CTT - Centre for Traffic and Transport Research DTU - Technical University of Denmark, CAU - Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, ISIS - Istituto di Studi per l'Integrazione dei Sistemi, IWW - Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik und Wirtschaftsforschung - Universität Karslruhe, NEA Transport Research and Training, TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research Building and Construction Research, TRT - Trasporti e Territorio Srl
tree species map displays the habitat suitability for a range of tree species
within Europe, and then predicts the change in suitability brought on by
climate change.
Acronym: EFDAC - Tree species habitat suitability
change is expected to expand the world’s
fragile drylands through an increased frequency, duration and severity of
droughts. This may lead to an accelerated rate of desertification which, in
turn, is likely to increase poverty.
Acronym: WAD
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