Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Bugetul UE pentru anul 2014 a fost agreat

În data de 11 noiembrie Consiliul şi Parlamentul European au convenit asupra bugetului pentru anul fiscal 2014 şi pentru o finanţare de 400,5 milioane alocate statelor care au avut de suferit de pe urma intemperiilor naturale. Bugetul implică o scădere de 6,5% la capitolul plăţi (135.50 mlrde Euro) şi 6.2% la capitolul angajamente (142.64 mlrde Euro) în comparaţie cu anul 2013. 
Resursele financiare vor fi orientate spre stimularea creşterii, inovării şi sporirii locurilor de muncă, în special pentru tineri. 
Alte cifre: 

The agreed 2014 EU budget, which is the first under the EU's new Multiannual Financial Framework, among other things, contains:

– support for smart and inclusive growth: € 64 billion in commitments and € 62.4 billion in payments
– support for measures aimed at sustainable growth: € 59.3 billion in commitments and € 56.5 billion in payments
– research framework programme Horizon 2020: € 9 billion in commitments and € 6 billion in payments
– Youth Employment Initiative: € 3.9 billion in commitments and € 900 million in payments to kickstart the programme
– humanitarian aid (notably for the victims of war in Syria and Lampedusa refugees): € 920 million in commitments and € 785 million in payments.
In the EU budget 'commitment appropriations' are legal promises to spend money which may be paid out over several financial years. The 'payment appropriations' are the actual amounts to be paid in a given year.

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