Thursday, 24 April 2014

                  iCalendar pentru apelurile H2020

   Una din inovaţiile introduse de Comisia Europeană odată cu lansarea portalului participantului la H2020 (Participant Portal) ţine de disponibilitatea unui "iCalendar" care oferă informaţii despre termenele limită de depunere a propunerilor de proiecte H2020 în perioada 2014-2015. Calendarul este compatibil cu majoritatea căsuţelor de mail personale. 
Vedeţi mai jos locaţia iCalendarului .

Monday, 14 April 2014

Tailored- made services for universities

European University Association Solutions is a new tailored service created to assist a wide range of higher education institutions and stakeholders on particular issues. Designed to complement EUA’s existing membership services, EUA Solutions is based on a flexible, on-demand approach to specific requests from universities, decision-makers and national authorities seeking support for change processes and policy development.
At the core of our competitive advantage lies a unique combination of strengths:
  • In-depth sector knowledge: extensive expertise in shaping European policies in higher education and research;
  • European perspective: the largest, most comprehensive university network in Europe, representing over 800 institutions;
  • Peer-to-peer approach: a wide network of internationally experienced higher education experts.
The services offered under the EUA Solutions brand range from thematic analyses and strategic studies to consultancy and specialised expert advice in key areas of focus. For more details about what we offer, please click here.

The methodology is adapted as required to fit the specificities of the assignment, and to lead towards collective and individual solutions for systemic or institutional change. For more details about how we work, please click here.